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Taylor R. Randall
Taylor R. Randall

Special reports to the president oversee specific areas of focus.

CEO, Huntsman Cancer
Mary Beckerle
Senior Advisor
to the
Natalie Gochnour
Faculty Athletics Representative (Interim)
Karen Paisley
Chief of
Laura Snow

Senior Vice Presidents

The senior vice presidents report to the president and oversee the academic and health care missions of the organization.

Martell L. Teasley
Martell L. Teasley
Michael L. Good
Michael L. Good

Vice Presidents

The vice presidents oversee all of the administrative and support functions of the university. 

Cathy Anderson
Chief Financial Officer
Cathy Anderson
Lori McDonald
Lori McDonald
Mary Ann Villarreal
Mary Ann Villarreal
Mark Harlan
Mark Harlan
Jason Perry
Jason Perry
Jeff Herring
Erin Rothwell
Erin Rothwell
Phyllis Vetter
Phyllis Vetter
Heidi Woodbury
Heidi Woodbury
Keith Squires
Keith Squires

University Governing Bodies

Board of Trustees
The university’s Board of Trustees is comprised of 10 people, eight of whom are appointed by the governor with the consent of the Utah State Senate. The president of the University of Utah Alumni Association serves as a member, as does the president of the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU). Appointed members to the board serve four-year terms. The board is responsible for overseeing the effective and efficient administration and operation of the university. The board is responsible for approving all university policies and the university’s annual budget.
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Board of Regents
The Board of Regents is the governing body for the Utah System of Higher Education. The board’s major responsibilities include selecting and evaluating institutional presidents, setting policy, reviewing programs and degrees, approving institutional missions, and submitting a unified higher education budget request to the governor and state legislature. The board is comprised of 17 Utah citizens, all appointed by the governor.
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Academic Senate
The academic senate is comprised of elected members of the university’s faculty and is considered integral to the shared governance of the university. The senate acts for the faculty in all matters of educational policy, including requirements for admissions, degrees, diplomas, certificates, and curricular matters involving relations between colleges or departments. It also participates and provides input on decisions relating to the general academic operations of the university including budget decisions and administrative appointments.
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The cabinet meets weekly and is comprised of senior university leaders who provide advice and counsel to the president. Membership on the cabinet is at the discretion of the president.
President’s Leadership Council
The PLC is comprised of leaders from across campus who meet quarterly for the purpose of information sharing, creative problem solving and aligning the entire organization to a shared mission and vision.